Innovations Report
Innovationsmanagement steckt in vielen immer noch in den Kinderschuhen, obwohl die Einsicht und Erkenntnis über mögliche Wettbewerbsvorteile weit verbreitet ist.
The ability to innovate consistently now determines corporate success or failure. But to what degree are today’s companies viewing innovation as a core business driver?
In May 2013 we fielded an online survey to 204 business decision-makers across a wide range of industries. We asked them about their companies’ approach to innovation strategy, governance, leadership, process, and results.
The survey shows that companies are focusing on innovation as a dedicated response to competitive and technology pressures. Nearly two thirds of companies (63%) reported that innovation has been on the management agenda for more than two years, and more than half (56%) said that innovation is already an organization-wide competency being actively managed at the corporate level.
The findings reveal that corporate innovation as a structured discipline is still in its infancy. While leadership has the drive and ambition to make innovation a sustained competency, the actual implementation of that vision is uneven. Those who do succeed with implementation have some common characteristics, and they’re leading this new discipline of innovation management in provocative directions.
Quelle: Imaginatik
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