Profitieren Unternehmen von der freien Verfügbarkeit von Informationen in der Welt des Web 2.0?
While there is consensus on the importance of sharing knowledge within organizations, current systems have not adapted to third-party content.
With Web 2.0 came information overload but also an incredible amount of third-party knowledge that professionals consume on a daily basis but don’t share efficiently yet with their colleagues – making it a vast untapped opportunity for companies to be more efficient.
- 88% of professionals say it’s important to be informed of third-party industry news.
- 84% say third-party content makes them more efficient by teaching them something about their job.
- 64% say that third party content even helped them close a sale.
- Yet, 74% of respondents receive mostly non-relevant content from their colleagues.
- And only 18% of respondents said that the current system of third party information sharing is efficient.
Quelle: Scoop
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