Erfolgreiches Kundenmanagement

Customer Experience ist ein aktuelles Thema, gerade im Hinblick auf Multikanalmanagement auch für Banken und Sparkassen

Customer Experience Success

Hinweise zu mehr Customer Experience und zur Rolle eines Chief Customer Officers für den Multikanalkunden.


This 2012 white paper from Strativity Group, Inc. reveals the many ways social media and multichannel posts contribute to the customer experience, and how the multichannel customer expects companies to be ready now with a tightly integrated capability and a culture that supports it. An integrated Voice of the Customer Program plays a role at each step of a customer’s complex journey to discover, evaluate, buy, access, use and get support for products and services. Why not integrate and align your firms‘ multichannel activities with your customer experience strategy to improve satisfaction, loyalty, retention and the bottom line?

Quelle: Customer Management

Das Whitepaper „The Path to Customer Experience Success“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

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