Erfolg mit Kundenorientierung

Mehr Erfolg durch Customer Experience

Path to Customer Experience Success

Wie man über ein Mehr an Customer Experience zu mehr Erfolg kommen kann.

Over the years, our relationship with customers have grown in complexity. The era of writing and mailing a letter to the corporate office and awaiting a reply that could take weeks, or longer, has waned, and in its place we have seen the rise of the multichannel, real-time customer. She is demaning about how and when we engage her, and her patience for anything but an immediate and definitive follow-through response has greatly diminished.

The White Paper demonstrates how improved customer experiences can provide financial returns.

This in-depth report covers:

  • Feedback as a driver of action, not just a score
  • The emerging role of Chief Customer Officer
  • The new executive control center
  • Satisfaction, loyalty, revenue & costs
  • Organizational readiness for the multichannel customer

Quelle: Strativity

Das Whitepaper „The Path to Customer Experience Success“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

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