Zur Zukunft des Online Banking

Studie zur langfristigen Prognose des Online Banking

Zur Zukunft des Online Banking

Die aktuelle Studie von DB Research sagt voraus, dass im Zuge des Generationenwechsels Online Banking in Zukunft eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein wird.

The proportion of online banking users in relation to total internet users has grown over the past few years. In 2011, one internet user in two utilized online banking offers from financial service providers. Demand for web-based (mobile) financial services is set to jump in the medium to long term. In 2030, for example, a total of nearly 44 million Germans are expected to be familiar with online banking services. By comparison, the figure in 2010 was only slightly over 27 million. This forecast will be driven by several trends.

Die Studie „Online banking and demography“ kann hier direkt heruntergeladen werden.

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