Bankkunden haben zahlreiche Ängste, Befürchtungen und Missverständnisse als Folge der Turbulenzen in der Finanzbranche. Die Banken verpassen jedoch viele Möglichkeiten, ihre Kunden zu beruhigen. Ein Grund dafür liegt in der mangelnden Nutzung der digitalen Medien-Kanäle.
As the global financial crisis and US credit rating downgrade take grip, banks of all sizes are challenged to leverage and activate custom media channels to reassure, engage, inform, advise, and notify customers, stakeholders, and investors. Quick response to ever-changing conditions and market gyrations requires nimble content provisioning and adept use of digital media channels for rapid versioning, content personalization, and customization relative to audience types and levels of sophistication. „Delivering Positive Impressions During Market Depressions“, the year-end survey of 120 marketers, sponsored by True North Custom Media, reveals that a large majority of those surveyed in the last quarter of this year report that the current financial market turmoil is creating a difficult environment that is challenging them to reassure and more effectively communicate with their customers. Even so, less than half of them have formal systems in place to address customer concerns during times of uncertainty. This report highlights how senior banking marketers are responding to the financial crisis, as well as ways marketers can begin to positively position their brands and restore customer confidence.
„Delivering Positive Impressions During Market Depressions“, the year-end survey of 120 marketers, sponsored by True North Custom Media, reveals that a large majority of those surveyed in the last quarter of this year report that the current financial market turmoil is creating a difficult environment that is challenging them to reassure and more effectively communicate with their customers. Even so, less than half of them have formal systems in place to address customer concerns during times of uncertainty. This report highlights how senior banking marketers are responding to the financial crisis, as well as ways marketers can begin to positively position their brands and restore customer confidence.
Quelle: CMO
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