Sicherheit im Online Banking

Aktuelle technologiegetriebene Entwicklungen bei Banken und an den Finanzmärkten

Sicherheit im Online Banking

Mit zunehmender Verbreitung von Online und Mobile Banking rückt auch die Sicherheitsfrage mehr in den Vordergrund. Ein wichtiges Stichwort dabei lautet „Biometrie“.


Vor einiger Zeit habe ich hier im Bank Blog über den Einklang von Sicherheit und Service berichtet und dabei auf die Vorteile biometrischer Verfahren hingewiesen. DB Research liefert in seinem Banking & Technology Snapshot regelmäßig interessante Daten und Diagramme und interpretiert aktuelle, technologiegetriebene Entwicklungen bei Banken und an den Finanzmärkten. In der aktuellen Ausgabe geht es um genau die angesprochene Sicherheit im Online Banking.


In Europe, the most frequent users of online banking are found in the Nordic countries. In online banking there are stringent security standards, giving rise to the question as to whether internet users in countries with high online banking adoption rates also have computers equipped with above-average levels of security software.

Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) are conquering mass markets and are increasingly being used for online banking. However, they are also increasingly susceptible to abuse.

Both the fear of cyber attacks and experience of internet crime are on the rise. The security consciousness of users is also increasing. This has led to high growth rates in the IT security market. Sales are expected to rise to EUR 25 bn by 2025.

Growing concerns about data security mean internet users are becoming more inclined to pay for online banking services.

Biometric authentication methods enjoy a remarkable degree of acceptance among the population. Hence, there is a growing probability that biometric technologies could also be applied in banking.

Anti-virus software and the necessary IT security standards are regarded as the norm in many European countries. Especially the Nordic countries are acutely aware of IT security issues. By contrast, alarmingly little attention is being paid to IT security especially in some southern and eastern European countries.


Die Studie „Growing need for security in online banking: Biometrics enjoy remarkable degree of acceptance” von DB Research kann hier heruntergeladen werden.


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