The World Payments Report 2012 shows a healthy 7.1% gain in non-cash payments volume globally. But volume is only part of the story for the payments market, which is growing and changing in new and exciting ways.
Payments continue to grow amidst volatility and increasing regulation, however the payments instrument mix is evolving fast and will never be the same. As alternative payments methods are offered to consumers and new entrants heighten payments competition, PSPs that take advantage of customer-centric innovation will have the power to accelerate its transformation.
By popular request, the Report from Capgemini, RBS and Efma revisits a key theme introduced in last year’s report: the breadth and depth of regulatory and industry initiatives, and the degree to which they are driving industry transformation. The Report finds that some regulations such as SEPA are set to enable payments innovation, directly or indirectly. While customer-centric innovations can drive the industry the fastest and the farthest.
Our research included a survey and face-to-face interviews with payments executives from across the world. It shows that for banks to succeed, they will need to continue to align their innovation capabilities with the evolving demands of their customers. The Report also shows that banks are well-positioned to innovate in many areas. To explore which areas matter most for bankers, download the report to learn more.
Quelle: CapGemini
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