Die Studie zeigt u.a., dass die Kundenloyalität im Retail Banking vor allem mit Mobile Banking Anwendungen gesteigert werden kann.
Mobile banking has come into its own with enormous potential to delight customers and turn them into strong advocates for their bank. Consider, for instance, Chase Bank, which has one of the highest rates in the US for mobile banking activity. Those smartphone-toting customers gave Chase much higher loyalty scores than customers who don’t yet bank through mobile devices and helped make Chase one of the biggest gainers in loyalty scores for 2012. Mobile usage also tends to reduce the number of branch visits, helping Chase reduce costs. Similarly, across the world, Australian mortgage lender Commonwealth Bank has enjoyed a brisk uptake by customers of its „property guide“ mobile app, which maps past home sales history, current listings and recent sales to a real-world view through a smartphone’s camera of 95% of homes in the country.
For retail bankers engaged in a battle to retain customers and increase share of spending, mobile and online channels can be a powerful means of building loyalty—if digital channels emphasize the right features and transactions, and dovetail nicely with branches, phone centers and all the other ways that banks touch their customers.
In this report, the 2012 edition of Bain’s annual survey of consumer loyalty in retail banking, we look closely at the interactions and channels that matter most to the challenge of strengthening loyalty—those moments of truth (such as resolving a fraudulent transaction) and „digital delight“ moments (such as mobile bill pay) that prove decisive in winning either customers‘ advocacy or their derision. We delve deeper into how customers are using digital technologies. And we expand the survey’s reach to create our first broadly international edition, covering 14 national markets.
Working with market research firms Research Now and GMI, we polled 150,100 account holders from banks and credit unions across Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, the UK and the US. We then followed up with 5,200 customers in the US to explore in depth their habits and attitudes about various banking interactions and channels. (The surveys were conducted online and thus may have some upward bias for customers‘ online and mobile banking activities.)
The survey results show how quickly digital channels are making inroads and how forcefully they influence customers‘ perceptions of banks.
Quelle: Bain
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