Ein kundenzentriertes Geschäftsmodell für Retail Banken

Modelle für mehr Kundenorientierung im Retail Banking

Kundenorientierung im Retail Banking

Neun Empfehlungen für mehr Kundenorientierung zur Steigerung von Cross Selling, Wachstum und Profitabilität im Retail Banking.

Bank executives are grappling with some difficult choices: improve customer profitability by building a ‘high-volume, low-cost’ model or offer a ‘differentiated service’ model designed to attract and retain the most profitable customer segments. Many are opting for the latter approach, focusing service improvements on high-end customers. They seek to improve cross-sales, restructure bank fees and charges and make greater use of capital-light products.

Banks face two key challenges: First, there is a tension between banks’ customer strategies and what customers want; making it difficult for banks to create the customer retention, trust and loyalty needed to improve cross-sales. Second, operating models can create barriers to building customer insight.

The report identifies four dimensions of customer insight on which banks can tailor their services for target segments. In the race for profitable customers, execution will be key.

Nine recommendations to build a more customer-centric business model:

  • Adjust operating models for a more customer-centric model.
  • Drive co-operation through stronger leadership.
  • Simplify operating models…selectively.
  • Realign staff culture to the business model.
  • Build multi-channel capabilities.
  • Integrate client insight data onto one platform.
  • Build business analytics capabilities.
  • Priorities change according to customer-segmentation strategy.
  • Improve branding and messaging.

Quelle: Deloitte

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