Durch Innovationen zu mehr Kundenorientierung bei Banken

Kundenorientierung muss im Mittelpunkt der Geschäftsmodelle von Banken und Sparkassen stehen

Innovationen im Banking

Kunden werden immer mächtiger. Vor diesem Hintergrund müssen Banken ihre Geschäftsmodelle in Richtung Kundenorientierung überarbeiten, um ihre Kundenbasis halten und erweitern zu können.

The banking industry is being transformed in response to the economic, regulatory, and technological forces around it.

A strong customer orientation is an essential element to remain competitive in this environment, and Smarter Commerce, an approach developed by IBM to put the customer at the heart of business models, can help banks be more competitive.

Banks that are using the approach are emerging as consumer champions, re-orientating their business from a product-based to a customer-focussed service.

“Banking is now contextual and measured in terms of utility — how easily someone can use bank products or services to accomplish a task like shopping, traveling, or buying a car or home.” — Brett King, author of “Bank 2.0″

Quelle: Finextra

Das Whitepaper „Smarter Customers, Smarter Commerce – Innovations for the Banking Industry“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

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