Benachrichtigungsfunktionen im Mobile Banking

Alarme und Benachrichtigungen verbessern Kundenbindung und steigern Erträge bei Banken und Sparkassen

Mobile Alerting

Wie mit Alarm- und Benachrichtigungsfunktionen die Kundenbindung verbessert und die Erträge gesteigert werden können.

Traditional alerting solutions in the financial services market limit alerts to one-way notifications that provide basic account management. The next generation of Alerting solutions, however, is focused on “Engagement” and gives financial institutions (FIs) who are already offering mobile banking the opportunity to leverage the intimacy and immediacy of mobile to create deeper customer relationships across the enterprise.

Engagement-based enterprise alerting moves alerts from interruption-based SMS notifications to a full-featured engagement platform that resolves customer issues in real-time and helps FIs connect with customers, combat fraud, expand customer lifetime value (LTV) and unlock new revenue opportunities.

FIs today face tremendous pressure to retain their customers and generate new revenue. Best-in-class FIs have identified mobile alerts as an avenue to meet customer communication needs while increasing profitability, and are making advances in this area. Despite this, alerts remain a largely untapped opportunity.

Quelle: Monitise

Das Whitepaper „Alerting+: Build Deeper Customer Relationships and Generate Revenue“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

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