Wie mehr Kundenorientierung in Banken zu einer Verbesserung der Kundenbeziehung, zu höherem Ertrag und zu schlankeren Prozessen führt.
The global economy is still sluggishly shaking off the effects of the near meltdown in 2008 and the on-going sovereign debt crisis. However, banks in both the emerging and developed economies have an opportunity to manage enormous capital growth and wealth creation.
To regain customer confidence and earn their slice of the increasingly competitive market, banks must transform themselves. They must jettison decades-old, product-oriented operating models and become fully client-centric. Banks must develop deeper customer insights through advanced analytics and generate accurate, consistent and well-structured customer data accessible and integrated throughout all channels and parts of the organization.
IBM’s new free white paper download – Bank on the Customer – How customer-centric transformation can lead to deeper relationships, increased revenue and streamlined operations, contains four informative, real world, case studies and valuable advice on achieving customer centricity and untangling the legacy data stores inside banks.
Quelle: Finextra
Das Whitepaper „Bank on the Customer“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.