Mobile Payment und Mobile Banking sind nicht mehr aufzuhaltende Trends. Aber wie können Banken sich einen Platz in der Wertschöpfungskette sichern?
Immer mehr Kunden benutzen ihr Smartphone, um Bankgeschäfte bequem von unterwegs abzuwickeln. Banken haben diesen Trend erkannt und integrieren zunehmend Mobile Banking in ihre Geschäftsmodelle – um Kunden zu binden, aber auch, um Kosten zu reduzieren. Mobile Banking ermöglicht zudem gänzlich neue Dienstleistungen wie etwa Mobile Payments: Bezahlen via Handy. Wie können Retailbanken durch solche Dienstleistungen weitere Ertragsquellen erschließen und welche Auswirkungen haben diese Trends auf das Geschäftsmodell und die Geschäftsstrategie von Banken.
Die Studie
The era of mobile banking and payments is dawning. Around the world and across the banking value chain, everyone is waking up to the huge potential of a market that is rapidly changing the way that customers interact with their financial institutions.
Everybody wants to talk about mobile banking and payments. And no wonder: the heady combination of increasingly sophisticated mobile devices, banking services and payment options offers banks the opportunity to gain market share, tap into new revenue streams and reduce their overall cost to serve customers.
Mobile banking and payments
The era of mobile banking and payments is dawning. Find out how mobile will change the way banks and their customers interact.
Innovator banks are taking the lead
Across the value chain and every region surveyed, a core group of ‘innovators’ are emerging and actively working to deploy robust mobile banking services into the market.
Navigating the technology maze
One of the biggest considerations is technology; perplexingly, it can be both an enabler and a barrier to the widespread adoption of mobile payments. The most critical consideration revolves around the method by which devices will enable mobile payments.
The strategy for retail banks
There is no right or wrong path to creating a mobile solution. And until standards are developed and technologies mature, each bank will need to follow its own strategy based on sound objectives and a clear understanding of the risks and benefits.
Corporate mobile payments
Contrary to popular belief, mobile payments are not restricted to retail banks. Indeed, commercial banks are showing a growing interest in leveraging mobile as a key differentiator and potential revenue generator.
Scenario spectrum
Our report finds that the development of mobile solutions tends to follow an evolutionary pattern that starts with basic mobile banking and progresses towards mobile payments at the physical POS.
Case studies from global banks:
- Deploying mobile in the developing world
- Setting standards and building capacity
- Preparing for near field communication (NFC)
- Driving revenues from corporate mobile banking
Quelle: KPMG
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