Big Data und Datenschutz

Einsatz von Big Data im Marketing und die Datenschutz Problematik

The Promise of Privacy

Studie über den Wunsch der Konsumenten nach Datenschutz und die Möglichkeiten der Realisierung von Marketingvorteilen durch Nutzung von Big Data.

Everyone “knows” that privacy is a sensitive issue when it comes to marketing and big data. A Forbes Insights study conducted in association with Turn, a provider of data-driven marketing services, has found that, while a small subset of consumers care a lot about privacy, what most are concerned with is security.

This report is based on three interrelated surveys conducted by Forbes Insights in September 2013: one for business-to-consumer (B2C) customers, one for business-to-business (B2B) customers, and the primary or “main” survey for executives from “sellers” to both of these segments. The main survey was completed by 129 executives, the B2C survey by 106 and the B2B survey by 115 participants.

You will learn what privacy means to marketers and consumers and how navigating these perspectives can help you get more out of your marketing while maintaining customer trust. Additionally, you will understand respecting consumers‘ limits while also realizing the marketing benefits of Big Data.

Quelle: Forbes

Die Studie „The Promise of Privacy: Respecting Consumers’ Limits While Realizing the Marketing Benefits of Big Data“ kann hier direkt heruntergeladen werden.

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