100 Marketing Ideen und Konzepte

100 Ideen und Konzepte für Marketing und Kundenkommunikation

100 Ideas That Changed Marketing

E-Book mit einer spannenden Übersicht zu 100 Ideen, Konzepten und Ansatzpunkten, mit denen Marketing und Kundenkommunikation verbessert werden können.

Marketing has gone through many transformations, especially in the last decade. Our marketing focus has shifted from print media to online media, from direct mail to social media and blogging. Not to mention the rapid adoption of smart mobile devices and people’s addiction to real-time communication. These are only a few of the recent changes marketing has gone through.

To help sketch out the reinvention of marketing and put it in a larger context, we’ve compiled 100 ideas that have changed the industry forever. This ebook features ideas from recognized historical figures, marketing thought leaders and practicing marketing professionals.

In this ebook, you will read about marketing’s ties to:

  • Technology
  • Publishing
  • Shareability
  • PR
  • Search Engines
  • Mobile
  • ROI

and 93 more ideas!

Quelle: HubSpot

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