Vorteile durch den Einsatz von NFC

Vorteile durch NFC Chips für den Handel

NFC Vorteile

Smartphones mit NFC Chip ermöglichen zahlreiche neue Chancen für den Handel, sofern die Voraussetzungen im Backend stimmen.

Near field communications (NFC) is described as self-contained microchips that can transmit information wirelessly over very limited distances. This white paper, sponsored by Symon, discusses how merchants can benefit from the use of NFC-equipped smartphones, including:

  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Accelerated check-out speeds and increased transaction security
  • Streamlined ability to market directly to consumers
  • Integration between payments and couponing

Quelle: Mobile Payments Today

Das Whitepaper „An Explanation of NFC“ kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

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