Innovationshürden überwinden

Erfolgreiches Innovationsmanagement ist auch für Banken und Sparkassen von hoher Bedeutung

Innovation Beyond the Four Walls

Neue Ideen und Wege für ein erfolgreiches Management von Innovationen durch Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern.

As companies face relentless pressure to innovate in their development of products and services, they are seeking new strategies and techniques to gain and retain a leading edge. With the proliferation of social media platforms and virtual communication, forward-looking companies are increasingly looking outside the four walls of their organizations and tapping into customers and partners to find inspiration and the innovation to compete and excel in the ever-changing business environment.

This report explores the collaboration efforts and tools embraced to foster and expand innovation outside the traditional organization’s four walls. It finds that organizations strongly believe in open environments for innovation and a vast majority of them are using virtual tools for internal and external collaboration. Yet, having embraced the new tactics and tools, companies now face the challenge of integrating them into an organizational structure that will unlock the value of open innovation.

The study is based on a survey of 311 executives from the U.S. and Europe, representing all major industries. Two-thirds of the respondents were C-level executives.

Quelle: Forbes

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