Erfolgsfaktoren für das digitale Portemonnaie

Erfolgsfaktoren für die Mobile Wallet der Zukunft

Erfolgsfaktoren für die Mobile Wallet

Die digitale Geldbörse auf dem Smartphone, die „Mobile Wallet“ verspricht viel Komfort im Alltagsleben den Konsumenten. Aber die potenziellen Nutzer haben zahlreiche Bedenken. Die Anbieter sind gefordert, diese vor allem durch clevere Sicherheitsmechanismen auszuräumen.

The mobile wallet is a rich opportunity for companies to connect with consumers on the move. Companies that can ease security fears, offer money-saving incentives, and promote widespread acceptance may see more consumers embrace the mobile wallet.

This report summarizes key findings from an online survey and follow-up focus groups, exploring the topic of the “mobile wallet.” The goal of this research was to explore consumer awareness, perceptions and willingness to engage in using a smart phone to make purchases, transfer funds, conduct financial transactions and carry identification such as a driver’s license, insurance card, social security card, etc.

Key findings:

  • Consumer awareness of key mobile wallet applications is relatively high, though significantly fewer people are using them
  • Key areas of concern: loss of privacy, loss of security around financial transactions, and usability of the app
  • How to address concerns: Consumers want comprehensive and immediate measures to ensure security and if necessary, replacement of mobile wallet device

Quelle: PWC

Die Studie „Opening the Mobile Wallet“ kann hier direkt heruntergeladen werden.

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