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Aus Ideen erfolgreiche Innovationen machen

Global Innovation 1000

Innovationen und Innovationsmanagement ist für die meisten Unternehmen eine echte Herausforderung. Erfolgreiche Innovatoren haben klare und zielorientierte Prozesse.

Innovation is a tricky business. There is no magic formula to getting it right, and as Booz & Company’s Global Innovation 1000 study has shown consistently for the past eight years, spending more on research and development does not lead to innovation success on its own. Some firms top our list of the world’s most innovative companies year after year. How do such companies create sustained innovation success? What are the tools, mechanisms and networks companies use to generate ideas and how are they effectively converted into commercialization projects?


To find out, this year’s Global Innovation 1000 study examines how companies start the innovation process. In addition to our annual analysis of R&D spending trends, we focus on the “fuzzy front end” of the innovation process: the tools, mechanisms and networks companies use to generate ideas and effectively convert them into potential future products and services.

Quelle: Booz & Company

Die Studie „The Global Innovation 1000 – Making Ideas Work“ kann hier direkt heruntergeladen werden.

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