Banking Trends 2012

Zukunftstrends im Bereich Financial Services und Banking

Banking Trends 2012

Umfangreiche Studie zu den wesentlichen Trends, die das Banking im Jahr 2012 und darüber hinaus bewegen werden.

Previous issues tracked the world as it evolved after the near collapse of the global markets back in 2008. It would be nice to use the phrase ‘post-crisis’ to describe where we are in the evolutionary process, but with the impact of tightened budgets alongside restricted commercial capital lending now being felt, many sectors are still facing immense challenges. Organizations with vastly reduced budgets must transform to ensure a sustainable future business whilst, at the same time, improving current levels of service.

These challenges are tough, but they cannot be ignored. Organizations that are transformed and prepared for growth will be the winners in the almost unrecognizable post-crisis world of the future, where new technologies, smart access to information and universal connectivity have empowered the individual – the citizen, the consumer, the patient, the passenger, the investor…

We hope this issue will continue to present a clear, independent, and authoritative source of market insight that will help you to make key decisions about your business, keeping you one step ahead as the world transforms itself whilst struggling to emerge from the downturn.

What kind of changes will we see in the still volatile, ever more complex, world? Certainly, we are seeing two very different pictures – buoyant growth in the East, very weak growth in the West. To thrive, financial institutions worldwide must adapt their models to capitalize on the growth in the East. They must adapt their value chain to reach new and emerging markets through M&A and new partnerships; otherwise, market share is likely to be eroded by new market entrants from other sectors such as retail and telecom. All this on top of having to ensure liquidity, leverage and transparency post the recent scares. The financial sector is facing some pretty demanding times.

What will drive performance and future growth? Technology will certainly play its part as organizations look for access to the realtime information that will be vital for ensuring compliance, reducing risk and better informing business decisions. Intelligent information will also equip banks and insurance companies with the insight that they need to deliver the ever changing products and services that customers want. Customer-centricity is the future; online and mobile – both in developed and emerging regions – and smart mobility will be a fundamental part of the picture.

In this context, the fourth issue of Look Out has a special ‘Focus On’ section devoted to the Social Organization. We are seeing early adopters already gain competitive advantage from the many potential opportunities that Social Organization has to offer.

Other highlights include our overview of the latest trends and opportunities in SEP (Sociocultural, Economic, and Political) and on the agenda. The second-half of the book provides more in-depth expert analysis of these areas and a detailed reference guide on the key vertical market sectors and what we can expect to see from them in the months – and years – ahead.

We’d love to hear your comments so that we can make sure that the next issue of Look Out continues to provide a valuable overview into today’s often volatile business environment. I hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to hearing your views.


Business Imperatives

  • A two speed world
  • All about the customer when it comes to growth

Business Trends

  • Customer centricity in a digital age
  • Smart mobile banking
  • Managing risk and compliance
  • New market entrants
  • Blurring ecosystems
  • Payments and the Cloud
  • POS terminal architectures

Business Impact of Emerging Technologies and Solutions

  • Personal decision support tools
  • Semantic data integration
  • Social media for CRM
  • Context broker
  • Location-aware
  • Universal translators
  • Mobile banking applications
  • Near Field Communications
  • E-paper
  • Checks transformation
  • Alternative card schemes
  • Cyber currency
  • Cloud computing
  • Big Data
  • Data visualization
  • Network intelligence
  • Biometrics
  • 4G wireless networks
  • Open innovation

Quelle: Atos

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